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e-book “Milano: ricerca del presente”

The book collects the contents of the workshop organized by the Piero Portaluppi Foundation and

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Milan: the search for the present

Wednesday 30th September– h. 18.00-20.00 Fondazione Piero Portaluppi via Morozzo della Rocca 5 – Milano  

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Milano: ricerca del presente

Mercoledì 30 settembre – h. 18.00-20.00 Evento conclusivo workshop “Milano: ricerca del presente. La trasformazione


Milan: the search for the present

Milan’s transformation and its search for a new identity A didactical consideration about the transformation


Casa P.P.P.

Opening of Piero Portaluppi’s apartment    Timing 14th – 17th April 2016   Fuori Salone 2016


Public Art and Memorial Art

Architecture meets Art. open conferences with debate


Milan: the search for the present

Milan’s transformation and its search for a new identity A didactical consideration about the transformation