

The library contains mainly a corpus of magazines, which belonged to Luciano Canella – but also from bequests of Dell’Acqua, Fiocchi and Zini. The newspaper and periodical library conserves and makes available to the public a vast collection of the most important Italian architectural magazines, including: “A”, “Architettura”, “Architettura e arti decorative”, “Casabella”, “Domus”, “Edilizia Moderna”, “Emporium”, “Quadrante”, “L’architettura, Cronache e storia”, “Rassegna di architettura” and “Stile”.

The library also contains the most important foreign magazines, amongst which: “The architectural forum”, “The architectural record”, “L’architecture d’aujourd’hui”, “Der Architekt”, “Arts & architecture”, “Habitat”, “Interiors”, “Moderne Bauformen”, “Progressive architecture”, “Sinkentiku” and “Werk”.

The general public may also access the corpora that constitute the library. Amongst these, the publications forming part of Luciano Canella’s library – 2,310 magazines on architecture and art in Italy and abroad. Particularly interesting, due to their rarity and completeness, are the sections linked to Le Corbusier, CIAM, the history of Milan and the Portaluppi corpora on gnomonics, an important collection of printed works and manuscripts related to the study of sundials.


Architecture books from 1744


Italian and foreign architecture periodical publications and magazines from 1864